Sleep well with natural room scents

Natural room scents create a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom and can help you fall asleep better. Learn what scents make for a peaceful night and how to make your own air fresheners easily.

Stress and tension have no place in the bedroom. For a deep and restful sleep, you should be in a calm, relaxed state if possible. Room fragrances can help. At the same time they create a nice mood. Whether it’s pine, lavender or rose, our olfactory center is closely connected to the limbic system in the brain, from which sensory perception is controlled. This also works when we sleep: smells can positively influence the emotions we have when dreaming. In addition, essential oils and fragrances can help to calm down better before falling asleep. Why don’t you try it out.

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Pain: when it hurts and how to relieve it

Everybody knows them and nobody wants them – pain. It is disturbing and unpleasant, yet it is an important protective mechanism of our brain. Acute pain has a necessary warning function to prevent tissue damage, and it informs us where irritations, wounds or inflammations have occurred. In addition, there are acute pains of a neurological nature that are triggered by certain movements or in certain situations.

What does our brain want to tell us with it actually?

The classic case of reaching for the hot stove top shows that our sense of pain often saves us from serious injury and leads to important learning processes as early as childhood. But there is also the chronic pain, which can be provocatively described as misinformation of the brain. Chronic pain persists even though its actual cause has already subsided. Here, our nervous system no longer regulates inhibition as it should. That makes for many humans, who suffer from it, the everyday life heavily.

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Mutations: when errors creep into the blueprint of life

Our body is a true miracle. However, it can only function if the proteins produced on the basis of the DNA do not have any defects and fulfill their tasks as workers and building materials of the cells as planned. But sometimes misspellings occur in DNA. These errors are called mutations.

Defects can affect single bases, gene segments or even whole sets of chromosomes

-Damage can occur in different places in the. If they don’t fix them, mutations occur:

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Montessori approaches to sleep

When people associate the term "Montessori" with sleep, it often refers to developing independence around sleep and bedtime.

It is important to note that Dr. Montessori never wrote about sleep and that there is no single approach that all Montessori parents (or teachers) agree on.

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Ice cream: what’s in the delicious refreshment??

With hot temperatures, ice cream is just what you need. In the meantime, however, there are so many different varieties on offer that it is often difficult to find one’s way around. We show what varieties are available and what’s inside the cool treat.

Milk ice cream, fruit ice cream, water ice and co.What is what?
The term ice cream covers all types of ice cream except water ice. Since there are no specific quantity requirements regarding the milk or. fruit content, ice cream can also contain artificial fruit flavors instead of real fruit. The milk content in the form of whey or skimmed milk is usually 60 to 80 percent in ice cream, while the fat content is eight to ten percent.

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The narrative landscape

Mau Piailug was not yet five years old when he first felt the pull of the Pacific Ocean: he was splashing in one of the rocky tide pools, of which there were so many on Satawal. Yet Satawal was only a tiny coral island among many others in Micronesia. His grandfather Raangipi, later his father Orranipui, taught him the art of traditional navigation, which was almost extinct in much of Oceania. Mau, whose name means “the strong one,” went through the Pwo ceremony at eighteen, where he was initiated as a master navigator, held in the highest esteem in Polynesian culture.
On 1. In May 1976, Mau boarded the Hōkule’a in the small harbor of Honolua, Hawaii, for its maiden voyage, a 19-meter-long two-masted sailing canoe of traditional Polynesian design. The crew had no charts, no compass, and no other technical aids on board for navigation; they had only mau. A master navigator needed no aids, for he understood the language of the ocean.
The shapes of the clouds and the peculiarities of the swell that could be seen in the distance and felt in the hull of the boat were enough for him and at night the stars showed him the way. Day and night, through heat and storms, Mau navigated the open sea. On the 4. June, after 35 days at sea, they arrived at the destination port of Pape’ete – in 4.Tahiti, 200 km away. Half the population had gathered there, 17.000 people welcomed the crew to the Hōkule’a-and with it, the resurrection of a great cultural heritage. For it was voyaging canoes like this one that people used in the 11. The first thing he knew was that in the sixteenth century they must have left Tahiti to colonize Hawaii.

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Heimat: a german keyword about an untranslatable word, its history and its political location

What do garden gnomes have to do with home? Why is “Heimat” so often associated with volkisch ideas? Do leftists have no home? A cultural-scientific reflection on an original German word.

For several years now, hardly a month has gone by without new books about ‘home’, including philosophical reflections, cookbooks, psychological guides and graphic memoirs. And even when shopping, we don’t escape home: supermarket chains and food manufacturers market even gin and chocolate coconut chips with slogans and brand names like ‘A good piece of home’.

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Giant silverfish discovered in portugal

If you add the long antennae on the head and the end of the abdomen, the little urticator is a proud ten centimeters long, he said. The silverfish, which belong to the wingless insects and are often found in cakes and bathrooms, grow to a length of only seven to ten millimeters.

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Many germans reject sinti and roma

One in three Germans does not want Sinti or Roma as neighbors. This is the conclusion of a study commissioned by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency. It is the first representative survey that deals exclusively with the attitudes of the population towards the minority. One of the central results: Sinti and Roma are the group with the highest rejection scores in Germany. The Central Council of German Sinti and Roma calls for consequences.

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