Mustard, sarepska mustard – characteristics, cultivation, varieties

Sarepska mustard ( Brassica juncea ), also called mustard or rush kale , is a plant that has valuable healing properties. It hides its enormous power mainly in the seeds. Learn more about the properties of Sarepska mustard , check if it is possible to grow mustard in the garden , and if you can find good varieties of Sarepian mustard . Here are all the secrets of this spicy plant!

Mustard, Sarepska mustard

Mustard, Sarepska mustard – properties

Sarepska mustard has powerful healing properties that have been used for at least 2.000 years are known. Its beans are also used in cooking. The mustard oils contained in beans are responsible for the flavor and healing properties of mustard. However, they are produced only when the grains are ground into flour and mixed with a small amount of water. Sarepska mustard is made from the pomace or the defatted ground seeds.

Long-term consumption of this spicy condiment is effective against cancer. Mustard compresses help with coughs, sciatica and arthritis. And baths with ground mustard will help you with colds.

Thanks to the oils contained in mustard seeds, fatty foods become lighter and our appetite improves. A teaspoon of ground mustard paste helps to clear the upper respiratory tract. The oil is used in the food industry and in the production of medicines and cosmetics.

Mustard sprouts are just as healthy . They contain a lot of phosphorus, calcium and iron. Sprouts are characterized by a sharp, distinctive taste and aroma. They contain phytocides with bactericidal properties and supplement the deficiency of vitamin B 12. They go well with spicy meat and fish dishes.

Young mustard leaves can be added raw to salads and sandwiches . Older leaves unfortunately become bitter and hard.


Although mustard seed is an edible plant with medicinal properties, it is an excellent condiment, it can also be harmful to health, especially if overdosed. Eating excess mustard seeds can irritate the stomach, damage the liver, and harm the kidneys and urinary tract. Mustard seeds are also not recommended for pregnant women because of the risk of miscarriage.

Mustard, Sarepska mustard – cultivation

Sarepska mustard belongs to the cabbage family and is an oil plant. In early spring, when the soil temperature is 5 ° C, we sow the mustard seeds directly into the ground . Mustard tree tolerates frost well during emergence (even down to -6 ° C). It is important to note that earlier sowing of seeds favors the formation of more side shoots.

Sow the mustard seeds to a depth of 2 cm . The first emergence occurs after about 5 days, and the flowering period begins after 5-7 weeks and lasts 3-6 weeks. The vegetation period for Sarepian mustard is approx. 110 days.

For the cultivation of mustard trees should be chosen a sunny location . Sarepska mustard grows best on clay and sandy-loam soils, warm and humus. When growing mustard plants, you should pay attention to proper irrigation, as the water requirement of this vegetable is high both during the growth phase and during flowering and ripening of seeds. During the seed ripening period, drought reduces the fat content in them. Choose soil with a near-neutral pH for growing mustard trees.

Mustard, Sarepska mustard – varieties

Currently, no sarepan mustard variety is registered in the National Register of Agricultural Plant Varieties . The only variety included in this list was the mustard variety ‘Małopolska’, but it was removed from the national register in 2010 at the request of the breeder.

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